Books, & Publications
By Robert Glenn
This page allows any visitor to my website to download a free copy of one or all of my eBooks. If you wish to donate to any of the organizations on the Donation Page of this site, your donation would be appreciated, but please feel no obligation with regard to this free offering.

Rearing Up America
This is my first book published in 2012. It is written in the form of a biography and provides insight into our journey with a Rare Disorder in our early years. If you think you are alone in your journey, please know you are not alone. Life, as it can, came at us from a number of directions. “Rearing Up America” probes into these early years from 1986 through about 2011.
Thank you for Walking the Walk With Me
My second book was published in 2018 and although it includes most of the same health challenges covered in “Rearing Up America”, it is completely different. “Thank You For Walking The Walk With Me” is written from the viewpoint of a parent advocate. Therefore, it is topical in nature rather than chronological and it covers the additional time span of seven years of learning opportunities.

This third book was also published in 2018 and has nothing to do with special needs. I call it a Christian Fiction novel. All the modern day characters are fictional, but I interject a healthy number of Bible stories throughout the work in the form of dreams. You should not consider this book as a bedtime story for young children, but rather for teens and young adults. “DARE TO DREAM” does deal with a number of other life issues which do challenge many people and also provides a solid direction in which to turn for answers. I hope you will find encouragement in its pages.